親愛的會員們,由於“MÜST”的要求( 社團法人中華音樂著作權協會 Music Copyright Society of Chinese Taipei,以下簡稱 MÜST ),如果“MÜST”與本站覺得版權有爭議的歌曲,本站會將樂譜主動設為“不公開”並通知使用者,如使用者欲與親友分享樂譜請使用“限連結公開”避免第三方閱覽造成侵權行為造成不便之處敬請見諒。本網站僅提供工具完成音樂夢想,若有侵權請告知曲目,以方便下架作業。

Drum Editor
We've added a drum score. It's easy and fast to build/write the drum score you need. The smallest value is 16/8 note, typical of most midi setups.
Try it now.
Drum score editor. Intuitive interface. 12 beats input, you can understand at a glance

Jianpu Editor
Jianpu is a numerical musical notation system. In the system, you can include notes, chords, lyrics, repeat, coda, harmony, etc., most musical information you need.
Make a jianpu

Jianpu teaches you how to play ukulele with an easy start. Interactive learning is simple and fun. You can learn to play notes and chords well in steps, easy to complex via playing ukulele games
Let's play

Online Tuner
Jianpu offers a free online tuner that can tune various instruments, including at least guitar, ukulele, cello, viola, violin, and nanhu.
Tune it.